Friday, January 7, 2011

"You're Beautiful" was the #1 Korean drama in Japan in 2010 日서 ìž‘ë…„ 한류드라마 DVD 대여 1ì–µ 장 돌파

It was recently revealed that the drama “You’re Beautiful” was ranked the #1 Hallyu drama in DVD sales in Japan, and results from the data analysis also showed that Korean dramas are still receiving immense popularity overseas.

According to Japan’s stock company CCC (Culture Convenience Club), data from ‘Tsutaya‘, a DVD and CD sales and rental company, data was gathered from January to December of 2010 to rank the most popular DVDs and CDs. In total for 2010, the data showed that more than 693,740,000 copies were sold or rented out for 2010.

Furthermore, analyzed results showed that there were a total of 2,500 rental subscribers and online memberships for each store, with each person renting out 27.7 units in those 12 months.

Additionally, the number of Hallyu dramas bought or rented out increased by 20% from the previous year, with a total of 108,480,000 copies sold or rented. The popular drama “You’re Beautiful” was also ranked the #1 Korean drama in Japan of 2010.

[caption id="attachment_113" align="aligncenter" width="396" caption="1st A.N.Jell Fanmeeting, Tokyo"][/caption]

You're Beautiful was also one of the first Korean dramas to hold a fanmeeting in Japan because of its popularity. On June 26 2010, two consecutive fanmeetings were hold at the C.C. Lemon Hall of Shibuya, Tokyo featuring the two lead actors of the drama, Jang Keun Suk and Park Shin Hye. Both shows were sold out within 5 minutes.
More photos here, here, here and here.

Source: Yonhap News via Daum Media

日서 작년 한류드라마 DVD 대여 1억 장 돌파

전년 대비 약 20% 늘어..'미남이시네요' 한류드라마 부문 1위

(도쿄=연합뉴스) 이태문 통신원 = 한류 드라마가 일본에서 꾸준한 인기 속에 많은 사랑을 받고 있는 것으로 나타났다.

일본의 주식회사 CCC(Culture Convenience Club)는 5일 DVDㆍCD 판매 및 대여업체 '쓰타야(TSUTAYA)'의 전국 1천394개 점포와 온라인 택배서비스 'TSUTAYA DISCAS'를 통해 지난해 1월부터 12월까지 1년간 대여된 영상물 합계가 과거 최고인 6억 9천374만 장을 기록했다고 발표했다.

총 대여 건수를 각 점포 등록자와 온라인 회원 등 약 2천500만 명으로 나눌 경우 한 명당 연간 27.7장을 빌린 것으로 나타나 이 역시 역대 최고치를 기록했다.

특히, 최근 일본 젊은층의 큰 인기를 얻고 있는 한류 드라마의 대여도 전년도에 비해 약 20% 늘어나 역대 최고인 1억 848만 장을 기록했으며, 이 가운데 화제작 '미남이시네요'가 한류드라마 부문 1위를 차지했다.