About Us

Park Shin Hye International Fanclub was founded by international fans with the aim of showing their love for this multi-talented Korean Actress.

This fanclub will serve as a platform where all international fans can gather to share both our love and admiration with each other and ultimately with Park Shin Hye herself.

Through this website we will aim to bring you the latest information, updates, and news about Park Shin Hye. To become a close part of our tight knit community please feel free to become our friend on Facebook and on Twitter.

For further queries, please feel free to contact us at: shinhyeorg@gmail.com

We look forward to sharing our love with all you Starlight Angels!

Our Values

The creation of this international fanclub was founded on certain values we will come to expect from all our Starlight Angels.

In order to create a high quality interactive platform for all international Park Shin Hye fans, we value and strive towards Respect, Openness and Continual Improvement.

Respect- We expect all Starlight Angels to respect each other and their opinions. As the official international fanclub platform, we welcome and appreciate fans from all countries and all walks of lives. Therefore all members must openly respect and appreciate each other. Any members breaching this value, will not be tolerated.

Openness-We will aim to be a close knit community whereby all issues raised will be dealt in an open and welcoming manner. As such, there will be clear disclosures and transparency for all use of funds and contributions raised from our fanclub. We believe all the money raised will be used in a manner which will benefit all Starlight Angels; therefore, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Continual Improvement-We intend to continually improve ourselves to be the best source of information for all international fans. All feedback and suggestions to help improve your experience with us, please let us know via our contact email.

As a fanclub, we are committed to doing our best to reach our goal of helping to spread the love of Park Shin Hye. Park Shin Hye International Fanclub would like to thank you for your continual support.

To contact us, please use one or more of the following extensions:

Email: shinhyeorg@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/parkshinhyeorg 
Twitter: www.twitter.com/PSH_IFC