
Monday, August 8, 2011

[NEWS] Heartstrings 넌 내게 반했어 NG in Ep 11

The writing team of Pyo Min Su and Lee Myung Sook have joined together to create a breathtaking campus couple that leaves everyone jealous, the "Dooley" couple played by Park Shin Hye (Lee Kyu Won) and Jung Yong Hwa (Lee Shin).

In last week's episode of Heartstrings, Lee Shin and Lee Kyu Won had officially declared themselves as a couple and went on several cute dates that left the viewers smiling happily and ended the episode with a kiss.

As it is, Park Shin Hye and Jung Yong Hwa are friends. Last Thursday, August 4th, at the end of episode 11, viewers were surprised to see a NG segment of the drama. The NG consisted of scenes of both Lee Shin and Kyu Won or was it Jung Yong Hwa and Park Shin Hye? It was hard to distinguish which is which from what the NG shown. The NG shown the two laughing and having fun.

An official at the shooting said that when the Dooley couple NGed, the NGs were often cute and playful. The two, even when NGed, still brought a good atmosphere to the set.

The Dooley couple sure made for everyone to be jealous with their campus romance. Stay tune to Heartstrings every Wednesday and Thursday on MBC at 9:55 pm.

Watch the BTS of the Museum date of our Dooely couple:

BTS: Trick Art museum.

Shin & Gyuwon's squabble date.
Heartstrings ep11 filming location. Ilsan KINTEX 2011.8.3
Shin and Gyuwon are busy for preparing filming
Filming start
Filming Shin and Gyuwon's date
Their dating place is museum
(YH said something in Busan dialect)
Shin found camera
Shinhye: Yonghwa-ya, that is... (Shinhye tried to say something)
Yonghwa: xxx Mart (But Yonghwa immediately stopped her with speaking out specific brand name. Shinhye understood what he intended.)
Yonghwa plays tricks with famous Store name.
Yonghwa: She bursted into laughter again.
Gyuwon is laughing, can't breathe.
Yonghwa: xx25 (another CVS name)
Shin wouldn't know this BTS is edited like this^^; (YH thought it would be cut out. but it wasn't)
Yonghwa: Don't cry. Gyuwon is crying~ (In drama, Shin never calls her Gyuwon, but 'Lee Gyuwon')
Rather than filming, two people are enjoying the museum.
Shin found camera again
Yonghwa: This is Trick Art Museum.
Director: Yonghwa-ya
Yonghwa: Yes
Filming started again
Q. How do you feel dating with Shin?
Shinhye: Yes, I feel good. I am very happy I came with Jung Yonghwa.
Shinhye: Jung Yonghwa's fans must envy me a lot.
Shinhye: I will take funny photos a lot.
Then shall we see those funny photos?
Shin's exquisite posture and Gyuwon bursted into laughter to see it.
What made Gyuwon laugh?
It's Shin's photo of embarrassing pose ^^;
Shinhye: Wasn't it taken well?
This time, Gyuwon takes photo of working staffs
While filming, she monitors the drama broadcasting.
Late at night, Shin and Gyuwon are filming the final scene~
Yonghwa: Thank you for your trouble.
All filming are finished
Yonghwa: Thank you for your trouble.
BTS: Trick Art museum.
신과 규원의 티격태격 데이트 현장
넌 내게 반했어 11회 촬영 현장. 일산 킨텍스 2011.8.3
촬영 준비에 여념이 없는 신과 규원
촬영이 시작되고
신과 규원이 데이트 하는 장면 촬영중
데이트 장소는 바로 전시회장
Yonghwa: (사투리)
카메라를 발견한 신
Shinhye: 용화야 있잖아
Yonghwa: xxx마트
유명 마트를 간접 광고하며 장난을 치고 ^^;
Yonghwa: 또 빵터졌구만
웃느라 숨 넘어가는 규원
Yonghwa: xx25
신이도 이렇게 편집할 줄은 몰랐겠죠? ^^;
Yonghwa: 울지마. 규원이 울어요~
촬영보다 전시회를 즐기는 두 사람
다시 카메라를 감지한 신
Yonghwa: 여기는 트릭아트 전시관입니다.
Director: 용화야
Yonghwa: 네
다시 촬영이 시작되고
Q. 신과 데이트 하는 기분은?
Shinhye: 네 좋아요. 정용화씨랑 와서 너무 좋습니다.
Shinhye: 정용화씨 팬분들이 저를 굉장히 부러워하지 않으실까.
Shinhye: 재미있는 사진 많이 찍고 갈께요.
그럼 그 사진들 감상 한 번 해볼까요?
절묘한 자세의 신과 그 모습에 웃음이 터진 규원
규원이 보고 웃는 것은?
바로 민망한 포즈로 찍힌 신의 사진 ^^;
Shinhye: 잘나왔죠?
이번에는 일하는 스태프 사진을 찍은 규원
촬영하면서 틈틈이 방송도 챙겨보고
밤늦은 시간, 마지막 장면을 찍고 있는 신과 규원~
Yonghwa: 수고하셨습니다
모든 촬영이 끝나고
Yonghwa: 수고하셨습니다. 
cr: saturnkr