
Sunday, March 13, 2011

[INFO] "Festival" to film in Japan?

Park Shin Hye may be saying hello to Japan again after 5 months!

It is reported on a Japanese tourism website that MBC drama starring Park Shin Hye and Jung Yong Hwa is to film at Lake Hamana in Japan! 

Rough Translation: 
Hallyu drama shooting confirmation! Hallyu youth drama "Festival" is confirmed to prepare for its shooting in the Lake Hamana region in Japan. The cast and crew are to arrive in mid-May and shooting will last for 20 to 25 days.  Further information will be updated in the coming days. 

韩流ドラマロケ   决定!
地域とともに作り上げる   韩流   青.春.メ.ロ.ドラマ『FESTIVAL』   ロケ撮影决定!
かねてより准备を进めてまいりました、浜名湖を中心とした远州・东海地区を国内外にアピールし、地域観光・経済の活性化を図っていく日韩合作ドラマ   『FESTIVAL』(仮)   のロケ撮影が决定いたしました。
详细は今后   随时HP等にてお知らせしていきますのでお见逃しなく!

As we all know, Shin Hye filmed her Taiwanese drama "Hayate the Combat Butler" (alternate title: Sensation World) in Nagasaki, Japan last December. At that time, she said she wanted to visit other places in Japan. Looks like her wish is coming true! 

However, due to Japan's recent tsunami/earthquake, we do not know whether the filming will be postponed or not. Let's hope for the best. 

The website has also released a character relationship map:

1) Lee Shin (age 21) is a university student majoring in modern music. 
He is the vocalist of band "The Stupid" and also plays the guitar. He is known for his good looks and for his strong passion for music. However, he is a cold person and is uninterested in things non-music related. He has no dreams nor plans for the future

In the drama, he initially likes a dance professor at his university.

But it is all going to change as he meets Lee Kyu-Won (starring Park Shin Hye).

実用音楽科ギター専攻。“The stupid”というバンドでボーカルとギターを担当する。ルックスは最高。口数が少なくクール。これといった将来の希望も目標もなく、好きなギターを弾くのみ。音楽以外には興味がない。

2) Lee Kyu Won (age 21) is a bright and outgoing student who was born into a prestigious family, and is majoring in traditional Korean instruments, especially the gayageum. She is a very outgoing and cute girl. 

Kyu Won's grandfather, Lee Dong-gun is one of the top 3 traditional music singers of his age. And his biggest wish is to have his grand-daughter trained to become a traditional music child-prodigy in 10 years' time. Trying to live up to her grandfather's expectations, Kyu-Won immenses herself in traditional music training and becomes a university student who knows nothing about anything besides traditional music.

As Kyu Won's friends are fans of "The Stupid", she was forced to go to the band's concert with them and there she saw Lee Shin, performing life. She is immediately captivated by him.

十年間、 孫娘のギュウォンを国楽の神童に育てたがる祖父の期待に応えるため、家事を終えた真夜中に、指に血がにじむほど伽椰琴を弾き、勉強する暇もなく国楽以外は何も知らずに大学生になった。
友達に無理やり付き合わされて行った‘The stupid’のライブでジョン・ヨンファ演じるシンと出会い、はじめはぶつかり合いながらも次第にシンに惹かれていく。

3) CNBlue's MinHyuk starring as Lee Shin's best friend in the drama. 


We at PSHIFC would also like to express our condolences to all the tsunami/earthquake victims. Japanese friends, our prayers and thoughts are with you! Never give up!


Title: 페스티벌/ Festival
Genre: School, romance
Broadcast network: MBC
Pilot Episode: 22nd June 2011
Air time: Wednesday/Thrusday at 9.55pm
Production Companies: JS Pictures
Screenwriter: Lee Myung-Sook
Director: Pyo Min-Su

Park Shin Hye as Lee Kyu Won
Jung Yong Hwa as Lee Shin
CNblue's Minhyuk as Lee Shin's friend(To be Confirmed)

Character description *updated*

1) Lee Shin (age 21) is a university student majoring in modern music. 
He is the vocalist of band "The Stupid" and also plays the guitar. He is known for his good looks and for his strong passion for music. However, he is a cold person and is uninterested in things non-music related. He has no dreams nor plans for the future

In the drama, he initially likes a dance professor at his university.

But it is all going to change as he meets Lee Kyu-Won (starring Park Shin Hye).

실요음악과 기타전공. "The stupid"라고 하는 밴드에서 보컬과 기타를 담당한다. 외모는 최고. 말수가 적고 쿨.
이렇다할만한 장래희망도 목표도없이, 좋아하는 기타를 연주할뿐. 음악이외에는 흥미가 없다.
무용과 교수 정윤서에게 마음을 주지만, 박신혜가 연기하는 규원과 만나고, 마음이 변화해 간다 …

実用音楽科ギター専攻。“The stupid”というバンドでボーカルとギターを担当する。ルックスは最高。口数が少なくクール。これといった将来の希望も目標もなく、好きなギターを弾くのみ。音楽以外には興味がない。

2) Lee Kyu Won (age 21) is a bright and outgoing student who was born into a prestigious family, and is majoring in traditional Korean instruments, especially the gayageum. She is a very outgoing and cute girl. 

Kyu Won's grandfather, Lee Dong-gun is one of the top 3 traditional music singers of his age. And his biggest wish is to have his grand-daughter trained to become a traditional music child-prodigy in 10 years' time. Trying to live up to her grandfather's expectations, Kyu-Won immenses herself in traditional music training and becomes a university student who knows nothing about anything besides traditional music.

As Kyu Won's friends are fans of "The Stupid", she was forced to go to the band's concert with them and there she saw Lee Shin, performing life. She is immediately captivated by him.

국악과, 한국 전통악기 가야금을 전공. 국내 판소리 3대명창 이 도진의 손녀. 명랑활발.

10년간, 손녀 규원을 국악 신동으로 키우고싶어하는 조부의 기대에 응하기위해, 집안일이 끝난 한밤중에, 손가락에 피가나도록 가야금을 연주,
공부할틈도 없이, 가야금이외에는 아무것도 모른채 대학생이되었다.
친구에게 무리하게 끌려간 'The stupid'의 라이브에서 정용화가 연기하는 신과 만나, 처음에는 부딪히면서도 점차 신에게 매료되어간다. 


十年間、 孫娘のギュウォンを国楽の神童に育てたがる祖父の期待に応えるため、家事を終えた真夜中に、指に血がにじむほど伽椰琴を弾き、勉強する暇もなく国楽以外は何も知らずに大学生になった。
友達に無理やり付き合わされて行った‘The stupid’のライブでジョン・ヨンファ演じるシンと出会い、はじめはぶつかり合いながらも次第にシンに惹かれていく。

Credit: Jung Yonghwa DC Gall

The drama will be taking place at an arts college which focuses on dancing, singing, acting, and literature, and is classified as a ‘mellow campus drama’, detailing the lives of college students.

Related Articles
1. Park Shin Hye talks "Festival" in Singapore 
2. Park Shin Hye & Jung Yonghwa confirmed to be costars again 

*more information will be updated when available.