
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

[CHARITY] Lending a Helping Hand to Japan 일본 재해 모금 참여 부탁드려요

*Updated info below
1) Fans from the Philippines & Indonesia, find out more donation methods below
2) We now provide bank transfer donation method to worldwide users without Pyapal account. 
3) Everyone, donate now and get a free ANJell gift(applies to ALL. See conditions below) !
“Generosity consists not the sum given, but the manner in which it is bestowed” 
Mahatma Gandhi

It breaks our hearts to see so many homes swiped away, so many lives lost. Japan is perhaps one of the most prepared countries in events such as what we have seen but even then, what happened was too much. We are so thankful that everyone we know is safe but there are thousands of Japanese who have nowhere to go and food is in short supply.

일본 재해 모금 참여 부탁드려요!

세계에서 7번째로 큰 규모로 기록된 이번 일본의 동북지방 지진이 3월 11일 일본의 동쪽 해안을 강타했습니다. 마그니튜드 9.0 규모의 지진으로 인해 일본의 동쪽 해안에 최대 10m높이의 쓰나미가 오게 됬고 마을은 폐허가 되었습니다.

It is times like these that all of us, despite our differences must come together, to work together to try and help those who are in need. Even though we are far away and there’s not much we can do, we can help in monetary matters. We can donate to help buy food and other supplies to give areas that are affected.

Plato said, “Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others.” By donating and helping those in need, people will see us doing good and it will inspire them to do the same. You may say what I do won’t make a difference, but it does. Even very little goes a long way.

그로인해 2000명이상이 사망하고 2000명이상이 부상을 당하였습니다. 사망으로 추정되는 사람들은 만명을 넘을것으로 예상됩니다. 지진으로 인해 화재가 발생하였고, 많은 건물이 무너지고, 102만명이상의 사람들이 전력부족에 시달리고, 104만명이상의 사람들이 물부족에 시달리고 있습니다.

이번 지진으로 인해 50만명이상의 사람들이 집을 잃었습니다.

저희 박신혜 국제 팬클럽은 진심으로 슬퍼하고 있고, 이번 모금활동으로 지진의 피해자에게 조금이나마 도움의 손길을 보내고자 합니다. 이들에게 우리들의 도움이 절실히 필요합니다!

So we at Park Shin Hye International Fanclub is holding a fundraiser to help Japan. From now on until March 24 2011 11:59pm (Korean local time GMT+9) we will be collecting funds through the donation button on our website.

All proceeds collected will be donated to the "기아대책 KFHI". The "기아대책 KFHI" has been helping victims of war and devastating natural disasters since it was first created. In this we feel that KFHI is the best choice to give our donation to. Shin Hye is also the official endorser of KFHI's relief fund for Japan.

저희 박신혜 국제 팬클럽은 진심으로 슬퍼하고 있고, 이번 모금활동으로 지진의 피해자에게 조금이나마 도움의 손길을 보내고자 합니다. 이들에게 우리들의 도움이 절실히 필요합니다!

지금 이 시점부터 2011년 3월 24일 11시59분까지, 여러분들이 지진피해자들을 위해 모금에 동참해주시기를 바라고 있습니다. 전액은 '박신혜'의 이름으로 일본 기아대책에 기부될 예정입니다.

Around this time last year, an earthquake struck the island of Haiti leaving thousands homeless and without food and water. Park Shin Hye International Fanclub donated about 1100USD for UNICEF. We hope to do the same for the Japan Tohoku earthquake victims.

If you would like to read more about our donation for the Haiti earthquake (2010), go here:

We are also very proud to announce that we are now collaborating with our friends at ANJellHaven on this meaningful project. For every $8 USD or more donation made from now until the fundraiser finishes, ANJELL Haven will be sending their official sticky notes as a Thank You Gift for your generosity.

Additionally, donations of $20USD or more will be entered into a lucky draw for the official ANJELL Haven shirt and “Avant Hye is my ANJELL”  shirt.  These shirts are just now being launched for this event. They are tentatively not for sale.

We would like to thank everyone in advance for their generosity and kindness.
To donate, please click the "DONATE" button below:

"우리는 위대한 일을 할 수 없다. 우리는 다만 위대한 사랑으로 작은 일을 할 수 있을 뿐이다." - 마더 테레사

모금의 금액은 중요하지 않습니다. 많은 분들이 힘을 모아 도와주신다면 세계를 바꿀 수 있습니다.

여러분들의 도움이 절실히 필요합니다!

모든 일본에서 고통받고 있는 분들을 대신하여, 모금에 참여해주시는 분들께 진심으로 감사의 말씀 드립니다.

박신혜 국제 팬클럽, 

Park Shin Hye International Fanclub

Important Note! 
1) For all fans who would like to donate but do NOT have a {aypal account / credit card, you can now transfer your donation to this following US bank account which accepts worldwide transfers:

Wire Routing Transit Number: 121000248
Bank Name: Wells Fargo Bank
City, State: San Francisco, California
Country: United States
Your Account Number: 8046607340
Title of Account: Dorothy Advincula

2) For Filipino fans who would want to donate but do not have a paypal account, please deposit to the following bank account. And please send us an email to after your deposit.

Name: Mae Anne Villanueva 
Bank: UCPB (Alfaro Branch)
Account #: 132-122314-9

3) Thanks to our wonderful friends at ANJellHaven, we now accept bank transfer in Indonesia.  Please transfer your donation money to the following account. And please send us an email to after your deposit.

Name: Miradita Savitri
Mandiri  Bank: (Acct no : 1350004887566)
Niaga (Acct No : 0160122052115)
When donating, please note as "donation for the Haven Moves for Japan project".

Should you have any questions, please email us at Thank you!